onsdag 21 oktober 2015

Renskavsgryta med kantareller och lingon

Jag hittade följande recept på mathem.se och det är visserligen inte Paleo Food fullt ut men jättegott ändå.

Recept från Vilt med Salming

Ingredienser 2 portioner

Gör så här:
Skala och skiva löken och bryn den i smör tillsammans med köttet, i en stor vid panna. Om kantarellerna är fuktiga bör vätskan först kokas ur i torr panna, tillsätt sedan ytterligare lite smör och bryn dem cirka 4-5 minuter. Rör ner i köttpannan.

Häll grädde, vatten, fond, messmör och timjan i pannan och låt koka på svag värme cirka 5 minuter. Salta och peppra efter smak. Blanda i lingonen men spar lite till dekoration.

Servera med kokt potatis och kokta grönsaker, t.ex. gröna bönor eller ärtor.

måndag 19 oktober 2015

Gulaschsoppa med köttfärs


500 gramnötfärs
2 stgul lök
1 ströd paprika
2 stmorot
500 gramkrossade tomater
5 dlren (hemmagjord) köttbuljong
5 dlvatten
1 msktomatpuré
1 stvitlöksklyfta
1 tskkummin
2 tskpaprikapulver
2 tskchili
2 tskspiskummin
0,5 dlpersilja
Efter tycke & smakhavssalt
Efter tycke & smakpepparmix
Kokosolja eler olivolja att steka i

Receptet är till soppa för 4-6 personer.

Så här gör du
  • Bryn nötfärsen i en stor kastrull
  • Skala och hacka löken och tillsätt denna med nötfärsen
  • Rensa och dela paprikan i mindre bitar, tillsätt även denna
  • Skala och grovriv morötterna, tillsätt och stek samman några minuter
  • Tillsätt de krossade tomaterna, köttbuljongen och vattnet
  • Rör ihop och tillsätt kryddorna, tomatpurén samt pressa ner vitlöksklyftan
  • Smaka av med havssalt och Pepparmix
  • Låt koka samman några minuter
  • Tillsätt persiljan och servera
Gulaschsoppa 1
Gulaschsoppa 2
Toppa soppan med lite extra persilja och ät den sedan tillsammans med ett härligt paleobröd.

Paleo så gott och så enkelt!
Jenny & Magnus

Jag hittade ovan Paleo Food recept på paleoskafferiet.se och har hypotyreos och gluten intolerans och har letat efter sätt att må bättre så Paleo dieten är perfekt för att jag ska må bättre igen.

Värmande het köttfärssoppa


500 gramnötfärs
125 grambacon
1 stgul lök
2 stmorot (grovt riven)
700 gramfinkrossade tomater
5 dlkokosmjölk
2-3 stvitlöksklyftor
0,5 ströd chili
3 tskpaprikapulver
1 tskspiskummin
1 tskeldigt örtsalt
1 krmgrovmalen svartpeppar
1 krmcayennepeppar
1 nävefärsk basilika
1 nävefärsk persilja
Kokosolja att bryna färsen i.

Värmande het köttfärssoppa

Receptet är till 1 Köttfärssoppa för 4-6 personer.

Så här gör du
  • Skala och hacka löken
  • Skala morötterna och riv dem grovt
  • Bryn löken gyllene i en stor gryta tillsammans morötterna och lite olja
  • Klipp ner bacon
  • Tillsätt nötfärs och låt lök, bacon och nötfärs steka ihop tills färsen är genomstekt
  • Häll i de finkrossade tomaterna och kokosmjölken
  • Rensa och finhacka chilin
  • Tillsätt chilin och pressa i vitlöksklyftorna
  • Häll i övriga kryddor och rör om
  • Hacka basilika och persilja och rör ner även dessa i soppan
  • Låt soppan koka upp

Nu är din Köttfärssoppa klar att avnjutas kanske tillsammans med t.ex. ett gott paleobröd så som Morotsbröd i långpannaPaleofocacciaPaleofrallor eller varför inte lite Fröknäcke.

Paleo så gott och så enkelt!
Jenny & Magnus

Jag hittade ovan Paleo Food recept på paleoskafferiet.se och har hypotyreos och gluten intolerans och har letat efter sätt att må bättre så Paleo dieten är perfekt för att jag ska må bättre igen.


I´ve found the following recepie at cavemanstrong.com and since I have hypothyreos and gluten intolerance. I´ve been searching for ways to feel better so Paleo Food is a great diet for a healthier living.

Everyone LOVES meatballs, and these little tasty morsels have a very unique flavour and are to die for. If you have kids let them help you, there are lots of ingredients for them to throw together and have them roll the meatballs.  They’re sure to enjoy and gobble down  something they’ve helped make.  For this recipe  I used organic grass fed beef.
Serves 4


(for meatballs)

  • 1 pound of ground beef
  • 1 small onion, grated or very finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper ( omit if cooking for children who don’t like spice)
  • 3 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
  • 2 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro
  • 1 egg

For the sauce

  • 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 medium onions chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves minced
  • 2 teaspoon of ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • pinch of cayenne
  • 1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley
  • 2 cups of crushed tomatoes (organic, least amount of ingredients)
  • 1 cup of beef broth



Meatballs: In a bowl, mix the beef with all ingredients. Roll into 1-inch balls and set aside. Brown the meatballs in a pan over high heat with a little coconut oil. Then add to the sauce, cook for 15 mins. serve the meatballs over fried kale or spinach.
Sauce: Heat olive oil in the bottom of the saute pan. Add onions and cook over medium heat for 8 to 10 mins, until tender and translucent. add the garlic, cumin, pepper, cayenne and parsley and cook for 5 more minutes to blend the flavors. Stir in the tomato sauce and beef broth and bring to a simmer
Brown the meatballs in a pan over high heat with a little coconut oil. Then add to the sauce, cook for 15 mins.

måndag 12 oktober 2015

5 Ayurvedic Tips to Ease Acid Reflux

I´ve found the following text at care2.com and since I have hypothyreos and acid reflux. I´ve been searching for ways to feel better so healing and recouperating is essential and these are great tips for a healthier living.

According to Ayurveda, acid reflux, heartburn and related inflammatory conditions of the gut result from a Pitta dosha disorder.
Pitta is one of the three basic doshas or humors classified by Ayurveda. This dosha is characterized by the two natural elements fire and water. Together, they produce heat. When pitta is balanced, your digestive fire, called “agni” in Sanskrit, burns a healthy bright. Which means hunger is regular and in rhythm with the natural cycles that every other living being follows—you feel the most hungry at noon when the sun’s heat peaks. And your “agni” dims down when the sun begins to set. A healthy pitta also ensures good digestion.

But certain factors can cause pitta to go out of whack. And when that happens, the consequences on the digestive system can range from mild to severe. Anand Srivastava, Chairman of Maharishi Ayurveda, has long followed the time-tested advice of India’s ancient healers. “I believe that the simple, everyday guidelines handed down by our grandmothers play a valuable role in protecting us from disease,” he says.
Here are his suggestions to keep pitta in balance and thus prevent yourself from common gut problems:

1. Include sweet fruits in your diet. Get more of cherries, pomegranate, coconut, mango and avocado on your plate. Go easy on the intake of sour fruits such as oranges and plums. Sweet fruits stabilize pitta and ease your digestive system.

2. Use roses. This queen of flowers is revered in Ayurveda for its cooling, sweet properties. Add a little organic rosewater or rose petals to a cool glass of lassi, and feel your stomach welcome the soothing goodness of the flower. Just like its emotional symbolism of being a loving, caring blossom, the rose actually calms down your senses, settling down an aggravated pitta dosha.

3. Cook your food with cooling spices: In the ayurvedic tradition, some spices are classified as “cooling” while others are said to have a “warming” effect. Chief among the cooling spices are coriander and fennel. Use these in your soups, stir-fries and salads to soothe the system.

4. Don’t skip or delay meals: People with strong pitta dosha tend to produce more acid in their system. When there is too long a gap between meals, the body tends to produce more of acidic juices, leading to discomfort, heartburn and dyspepsia. To remedy this, start your day with a moderate breakfast, enjoy a healthy lunch and have a light but satisfying dinner.

5. Keep the company of “cool” people: That is, people who are relaxed, calm and have a soothing effect on you. Pitta not only increases inflammation in your body, but can also lead to “inflammatory” conditions of the mind—ambition, aggression, stress, anger. If you have been on a short fuse lately, chances are that your pitta dosha is asking to be appeased. An easy and effective way to do this is by connecting with a friend whose presence is like a balm to your senses. You will be surprised by how positively this affects your digestive system as well.

22 Surprising Uses for Lemons

I´ve found the following text at youngandraw.com and care2.com and since I have hypothyreos I´ve been searching for ways to feel better so healing and recouperating is essential and these are great tips for a healthier living.

Lemons are one of the most versatile fruits out there. And no, we’re not just talking about in cooking! Lemon juice is an acid, a natural disinfectant, and a nutritional powerhouse. Its scent is perfect for humans, but a deterrent for pests. It helps preserve food and can easily replace harsh chemical-based ingredients. Is there anything this unassuming fruit can’t do?! Read on for incredible ways to use lemons. Have a favorite use of your own? Let us know in the comments! 

Home & Cleaning.

1. Clean Cutting Boards, Rolling Pins, Salad Bowls, and More. Cutting boards and other wooden kitchen products are germ, and funky smell, hotbeds. Lemons to the rescue! The stuff works very well on both odors and bacteria; after you’ve washed your cutting board, rub 1/2 of a lemon over the wood and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Rinse the juice off and dry.
2. Get Rid of Grease. Nip grease in the bud — on counters, dishes, ranges, whatever — by rubbing 1/2 of a lemon with coarse salt sprinkled on it over the affected area. Wipe clean with a towel. Make sure the surface or dish you’re cleaning responds well to acid before doing this trick.
3. Clean Plastic Containers. Reusing plastic food containers is a great way to reduce waste, but smells can linger forever. Overcome that stink by soaking the container in a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water.
4. Overcome Odors. Keep a couple lemon peels in your fridge (it works better than baking soda!) and the bottom of your trash can to avoid unpleasant smells.
5. Easily Clean Graters. Cheese graters are a pain in the neck to clean. Ease that pain with the help of 1/2 of a cut lemon; rub the lemon over the grater and wash as usual.
6. Polish Chrome and Stainless Steel. Forget that sponge — lemon rinds are excellent mild abrasives and work wonders of chrome and stainless steel. Scrub the metal, rinse, and towel dry.
22 surprising uses for lemons

Beauty & Fashion.

7. DIY Deodorant. Commercial deodorants are full of scary, harsh chemicals. But what’s the alternative — becoming a social pariah?! Luckily, that’s where lemon juice comes in. Dabbing a little juice in your armpits works just as well, if not better, than the store-bought stuff.
8. Lighten Nails. As we age, our nails start to yellow. Reverse that by soaking your nails in a cup of water and the juice of 1 lemon. Soak for a few minutes and rinse.
9. Remove Armpit Stains from Clothes. Scrub a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water onto the stain, then let the shirt air dry.
10. Zap Mildew. Mildew-y clothes aren’t ruined! Form a paste out of lemon juice and salt, apply to the mildew, and let air dry.
11. Sanitize Jewelry. Safety first! You can sanitize metal jewelry in a mixture of equal parts lemon and water. Better skip your fanciest gems and metals here, though.
12. Replace Toxic Bleach. Skip the bleach in your laundry room by adding 1/2 cup lemon juice to the wash instead.

Food & Drink.

13. Lower Salt Intake. Your taste buds get a similar sensation from sour flavors as they do salty flavors, which makes lemon juice one of the best salt substitutes out there. Skip the shaker and season your meals with citrus.
14. Prevent Sticky Rice. To get perfect fluffy, stick-free rice, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the pot while the rice is simmering.
15. Preserve Food. A little lemon juice will help keep both guacamole and pesto green, and prevent apples, potatoes, pears and cauliflower from browning.
16. Refresh Sad Lettuce. Placing soggy, wilted lettuce in a bowl of ice water and the juice of one half lemon will bring sad lettuce back from the compost bin.
17. Wash Produce. Nearly all fruits and veggies — even organic — will benefit from a good washing. Go the DIY route.

Pets, Garden & More.

18. Keep Out Kitty. What smells great to humans is repulsive to cats. Adding some lemon juice to a spray bottle, and misting an off-limits area — like the kitchen countertops, for instance, or the Christmas tree — will help keep feisty felines away.
19. Breathe New Life Into a Humidifier. If your humidifier is starting to smell a little strange, just add a few teaspoons (3-4) to the water.
20. Kill Weeds Naturally. Lemon juice is an ultra-effective weed killer. Soak the unwanted plants with the stuff to kill them without all of the harsh chemicals.
21. Revive Hardened Paintbrushes. Give a new life to those hardened bristles. Bring lemon juice to a boil on the stove, drop in the brushes, and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Wash and rinse in soap water and let dry.
22. Repel Ants and Other Pests. Ants, roaches, and moths hate the smell of citrus. Place lemon juice in a spray bottle, and regularly mist door thresholds, window sills, and anywhere else bugs might creep in.
21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse